Stop doubting yourself

And start making consistent income

The Profit Plan is designed to help you turn your passion into profit even if you’re short on time. With just 20 minutes a day, you have more than enough time to work through this 3-step course that will set your dreams in motion and your business on a firm foundation. 

I’ve been there, done that when it comes to business.

Now it’s my turn to teach you everything I’ve learned. 

Is The Profit Plan right for you?

Raise your hand if...

You need help clarifying your vision.

You need help knowing what to charge.

You need help learning how to treat your work more like a business. 

You need help marketing your product or service.

You need help managing your already busy day. 

You need help introducing systems and schedules into your routine. 

It’s all inside 

The Profit Plan

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This 3 step course teaches you how to get clear on what your business has to offer, how to focus on the right kind of content, and how to become more consistent with your systems and processes, allowing you to run a profitable business alongside of a thriving home.

I get it. Life is hectic. You have a million things on your to-list and adding, “complete The Profit Plan” to the list feels impossible. But with just 20 intentional minutes each day, you can complete this course in just a few weeks and walk away knowing exactly what to do in order to turn your side hustle into consistent monthly income!


The Profit Plan

This course was written with you in mind in order to set you on a path to success. Here you will learn the business basics that every entrepreneur needs to know in order to build an incredibly lucrative brand. From mapping out your goals and dreams, diving into personal development, discovering your ideal client and how to talk to them, to marketing and expanding your audience and everything in between, this is the ticket to getting you unstuck and where you want to be.

How do you get so clear with what your business has to offer that there aren’t any questions or concerns from clients and they immediately want to buy in? Because here’s the deal, when you confuse, you lose. And confusion only leads to wasting time that you don't have and walking out without any sales simply because people don’t understand what you’re offering them or why they need it. In this stage of The Profit Plan you will learn exactly how you can clear up your message and start seeing more sales.

What's Included?

Profit Plan education


our proven 

module one

Showing up day after day after day with a consistent message is critical for the growth of your business. In this stage, we will look at the four key components that help you remain consistent day in and day out. Because let’s be honest, every single day looks completely different in your world so we want to set you up for success that isn’t dependent on your ever-changing schedule.


Module Three

Oftentimes people mistake content for the “fluff” in running a business, the thing you really don’t need to focus on, but I can promise you, without focusing on creating content that converts, you won’t see the sales you're hoping for. In a world where everyone is connected to their devices, that is where people are making the largest portion of their purchases and you have to meet them there with content that encourages and convinces them to buy from you! Here in this stage, we'll take a closer at the areas you should be focusing on when it comes to creating content that leads to sales.


Module two

As a member of The profit plan, you’ll have access to:

One and done

Only $399

I’m in, let’s do this!

Pay month to month

Only 3 Payments $166

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The question isn't, whether you will make your money back

It's how many times you will be able to do it.

If you pay $399 right now, how many sales would it take to make that back? One? Two? Ten? A return on investment is so easy with The Profit Plan because you are creating a game plan that will not just generate one but 5, 10, 15, 50 sales in the future! What are you sacrificing tomorrow by not investing in your brand today?

compare your options

One Time Payment
only $399

• $99 savings
• The Profit Plan Course Includes 3 Stages:
• Clarity
• Content
• Consistency
• and so much more!

compare your options

3 Monthly Payments
of $166

• 3 Easy Monthly Payments
• The Profit Plan Course Includes 3 Stages:
• Clarity
• Content
• Consistency
• and so much more!

I'm in, let's do it!

Sign me up!

- Angela, e commerce shop manager

It’s hard knowing who to trust in business but The Blush Pages has removed that guessing game for me with recommendations of some of the best people in every category I could ever need!

- mallory, copywriter

I love the community aspect of The Blush Pages! I get to connect with other business owners and feel a part of something bigger than just business!

- candice, social media manager

I have spent the last year trying to piece together resources and find tools to grow my business. I love that The Blush Pages is my one stop shop for growing my business and providing the community I need to do it well.

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