Listen to Episode 32 HERE!
I am so excited for this episode as we dig into the idea of community over competition.
It’s everywhere we look, isn’t it? Competition to be the best homemaker, competition to be the best mom, competition to run the best business, competition to have the most followers, whatever it is, it feels like there is this constant need to be the best. And while there are no prizes and blue ribbons and actual competitive events for the crown of “best at packing lunches,” we still feel it and secretly compete with our neighbors, and our friends and our followers to be the best. Simply because we get trapped in the game of comparisons and lie to ourselves that what we have isn’t enough.
And I have to confess that I get caught up in the competitive circus too.
In this episode, I share five ways to beat the comparison game through community, hospitality, and priority. It doesn’t have to be complicated… it just has to be heartfelt. In a world that breeds isolation, let us be the sharers of all good things, not the secret keepers.
In this episode you’ll hear all about:
- How to check your heart and intentions
- How growing community grows your business
- The secret to being a cheerleader
Listen here: link to episode
No matter how many blogs you read or courses you complete on helping you grow your audience on social media, always remember that the most important thing you can do is to be yourself and be community-minded. People are craving real, authentic interactions and if you can be the person to give that to them, you will always win. Be a friend, create community, and offer support where you can. I promise you’ll see success with that recipe!
Links to all the things mentioned:
Link to webinar registration