Hi! I'm Melissa Koehler! A certified coach, Enneagram trained, podcasting educator! Grab your favorite drink and stay awhile! Learn more about me right over here!
As a certified Enneagram coach, I talk a lot about how knowing yourself can help build your business, but how can the Enneagram influence your parenting?
The Enneagram is a road map for learning who you are in order to help you grow as a person and better connect with the people you interact with. Once you determine which of the nine types best describes you, you are able to get a closer look at why you think and feel a certain way which gives you a front-row seat to your core fears and desires. And while people use it for business all the time, we often forget that it’s a great tool to help us in our personal lives, especially in our parenting.
Before I go all in, have you taken an Enneagram test? Do you know your numbers? Take the test here! It’s $12 and worth every penny. I know there are free tests out there, but I love all the information this paid test includes that you don’t get with a free option. Once you get your results, take a look at your top three to four scores and spend some time getting comfortable with the descriptions of each one.
Aside from who you are as an entrepreneur, have you taken the time to discover who you are at home and with your children? Having a better grasp of who you are and how you behave is only going to enhance how you parent and interact with your kids. Let’s take a look at each type and identify one parenting strength for each one!
Type 1
You are really good at setting clear boundaries and expectations and can be a great example of hard work and dedication for your child.
Type 2
You are so patient and compassionate! Sometimes you struggle with setting boundaries and asserting yourself as the parent, but your kindness goes such a long way.
Type 3
We all know you love to win. And while we recognize that parenting is not a competition, your passion for parenthood is something everyone admires. Especially your children.
Type 4
You are deeply connected to your children. Your strong sense of identity may help your children form their own self-worth.
Type 5
You are good at analytics and have a deep appreciation for knowledge and understanding. This can be a great asset when it comes to parenting.
Type 6
You are especially protective of your children and take on a lot of responsibility for their well-being.
Type 7
You’re the “fun parent” and tend to be very encouraging and supportive of your children’s interests. You are more likely to provide a hands-on approach to parenting, rather than simply providing guidance from afar.
Type 8
You are naturally confident and decisive. This can be useful in setting boundaries and expectations for children and providing them with a secure and stable home environment.
Type 9
You set a peaceful tone for your home. You are typically patient, supportive, and non-confrontational, preferring to focus on harmony and understanding.
Regardless of your type, it’s important to know that you are a great parent. No matter the number, you possess the skills and abilities needed to raise your children in a thriving environment You are going a great job and I am so proud of you. Don’t let the Enneagram show you the things you aren’t, instead focus on all that it tells you that you are!
But don’t just focus on your type here. Knowing more about each Enneagram type will help you better communicate with people in all areas of your life. The more you can relate to your children, the better you can understand the how and why behind their words and actions.
So how can the Enneagram influence your parenting? It’s simple. Learn who you are and focus on your strengths as a parent and stand confident in that truth!
Need more resources as you dive into knowing yourself better? I have a really great resource for you that helps you dive right into each Enneagram type. Know yourself and those you interact with on a deeper level. Be sure to check that out here: https://www.shopmelissakoehler.com/shop-now/your-enneagram-guide
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