Hi! I'm Melissa Koehler! A certified coach, Enneagram trained, podcasting educator! Grab your favorite drink and stay awhile! Learn more about me right over here!
At the start of 2022, I had a goal to help as many entrepreneurs as possible. I created free pieces of training and wrote courses and created a group community. My main goal was to make it easy and accessible for as many people as possible. And I still think that’s a really great goal. But that’s not what I want to focus on today. Instead, I want to look at why you should hire a coach that will work with you one-on-one in order to grow your business.
Joining a community with a large group of like-minded people is never a bad idea and wanting to reach as many women as possible for the benefit of their own personal gain sounds like a noble idea. Because it is.
Because of this need to feel like I had to do it all and it had to be simple and it had to be something they could do quickly, and it had to reach the masses, I put a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself and my health. I’m not a fast-paced person, I don’t like to be hurried, and honestly, I don’t even love a large crowd. So I’m not sure why I was trying to force all of those things on myself even in the online realm.
I want to focus on a more personalized approach to helping female entrepreneurs. This has opened my eyes to how we’ve lost that one-on-one connection in this fast-paced, make-it-convenient kind of world. But what would it look like, if we took the time to slow down, stopped trying to join every single group available to us, and really focused inward on our specific needs?
Trust me, I love belonging to communities and feeling a part of a team, but what would it look like if we also took some time to get specific with ourselves?
And so I present to you:
It’s really no secret that when you’re working in a group setting, it can’t be all about you and your needs. Group coaching has to follow more of a general help guideline and you don’t get to get specific with what it is you really need.
When we take the time to work one-on-one, we have the opportunity to focus on a more individualized approach and get really specific with what it is you need to help grow your business and how we can create a plan to make that happen.
I don’t know about you, but whenever I work in a group setting, I tend to become the wallflower. I don’t like to be seen or heard when it isn’t necessary and because of that, I tend to not be as active of a participant as I should be in order to get the full benefit.
But when working one-on-one, it forces you to actively participate. This may sound scary, but that’s how you’re truly going to grow. We learn by doing and that’s exactly what one-on-one coaching forces you to do. In a safe, approachable manner. If you find yourself never wanting to participate in a group setting, that’s a pretty good reason why you should hire a coach to work with you one-on-one.
If you are anything like me, you’ve taken the group courses and you never did any of the assignments or work that went with the program.
Trust me, I have done that a time or twelve. It’s really easy for me to consume information that sounds good and have the best intentions to complete the work to make it happen, but with no one checking in on me to ensure I really did, I oftentimes never get to it. So then what was the point in buying the course in the first place?
But in a one-on-one, personal setting, I am forced to hold myself accountable and actually do the work. Which is the entire point of paying for the training in the first place, right? For me, it’s basically a guarantee that I will complete the work because I know there is someone on the other end checking!
The idea of one-on-one coaching offers feedback and encouragement like none other. Organically creating space for engagement. When you become engaged with your business, you automatically begin contributing more effectively.
I know the world of speed and convenience makes us believe that our businesses can just run on autopilot but what they truly need is an engaged entrepreneur at the heart of everything. You are your business. You cannot be replicated and it cannot thrive without your presence and engagement.
And one-on-one coaching gives you that confidence you need to be engaged and participate in your business.
Through one-on-one coaching, you learn more about yourself as an entrepreneur. You also discover how you are perceived by others and can improve upon areas of your business that aren’t currently working well for you.
It takes your learning beyond simply “sitting and getting” information placed in front of you and offers a deeper level of learning. Giving you opportunities to apply the things you’ve learned with actionable steps to improve your business.
You get to be your own guide when it comes to one-on-one coaching. You lay out the goals you hope to achieve and in turn, you get specific help tailored to those needs.
In a group setting it’s all about the general good of the group, but in a one-on-one setting you can. make it all about you. And I know we all are champions for the “good of the group” mentality because we want to see everyone succeed, but sometimes you just need to get really specific and focus only on the things that you need in order to help your business thrive.
Trust me, I love purchasing prewritten courses that allow me to work at my own pace. But when it comes to learning how to grow my brand and build something successful, I need to get up close and personal with someone that will help with my specific needs. Which is exactly why you should hire a coach.
I could honestly talk for days about why you should hire a coach to help you build your business. But I honestly think you need to experience it for yourself to truly understand the benefits!
Let’s make this the year that we get up close and personal with the things we want to achieve out of life and our businesses and let’s commit to making space for working one-on-one to make those things happen!
Be on the lookout for something really exciting coming from me soon! It may just have something to do with working one-on-one together, but you’ll have to stick around to find out!
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