Hi there! Are you ready for episode 46 of “Confessions of an Entrepreneur?” Today let’s chat about tossing those fears of either success or failure to the curb! I am so excited to chat with you today about something I wrestled with a lot as a business owner. And that’s the idea of fear. But not the kind of fear you might be thinking.
I have to confess that for the longest time I was afraid of the fear of NOT failing.
Yeah, you heard that right.
It’s really common for business owners to be afraid of failing. We worry about losing money, not finding enough customers, letting people down, not becoming the next great success story; the list could go on and on.
But not failing can feel just as scary as failing. There is a lot of fear and anxiety tied around success and the notion that your business could become wildly successful can be a stressful thought for some entrepreneurs. It absolutely was a fear of mine.
In this episode you’ll hear all about:
- Uncovering your wildest dreams.
- Kicking fear to the curb and enjoying success as it comes.
- Enjoying the work you do, even when it’s hard.
- Walking in the freedom of an abundance mindset.
Thank you for sitting down with me as we talk through how to toss those fears of either success or failure to the curb! I hope you’ll make the time to tune in with me today and you are walk away inspired to simply go for it. To toss those fears of either success or failure to the side and walk in the freedom that only you can create! Take some time to work through the action steps I share throughout the episode don’t be afraid to set the bar beyond what you believe you deserve or could ever achieve. Remember, there’s no such thing as setting your goals too high. The only mistake you can make is not to set them all!
Links to all the things mentioned: