As you walk into the new year, I am sure you’ve already made your list of things you’d like to change, the things you’d like to keep, and the things you’re leaving behind in 2024.
But I want to encourage you to leave behind just one more thing.
Limiting beliefs.
But what exactly are limiting beliefs and are they something you should be breaking free from?
In this episode you’ll hear all about:
- ✨ How limiting beliefs hold your business back from growth
- ✨ The negative effects of unrecognized limiting beliefs
- ✨ Ways you can recognize and dismiss limiting beliefs
But what exactly are limiting beliefs and are they something you should be breaking free from?
If you have ever thought things like:
“I’m not good enough.”
“I’m never going to succeed.”
“I’m too young or I’m too old.”
“I don’t have the right background.”
“I don’t, I’m not, I can’t….” The list could go on and on.
Those are all limiting beliefs.
The mindset that you don’t have enough of “this,” or you aren’t skilled enough at “that.” Maybe you’ve told yourself that it’s the absolute truth and that’s why you believe you could never achieve, “xyz.” But I am telling you it’s just a belief you’ve created, it’s not your current reality.
Limiting beliefs may be the very thing holding you back from reaching your potential as an entrepreneur. Being aware of them is the first step – but, more importantly, knowing how to dismiss them so you can grow is the key to taking your business to new heights.
Are you ready to fight against those limiting beliefs and step into action toward growth? Then let’s go on this journey together. I am kicking off a 4-part series about limiting beliefs over on my podcast and the first episode aired today!
I want this to be our year. The year we finally set our sights on success and stop letting our mindset limit the things we’re capable of. Because let me tell you, nothing kills a dream more than our own imaginations.
So let’s link arms together and leave it all behind.
What do you say? Are you with me?
Here’s to a year full of dreams fulfilled and mindsets restored!

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This podcast was produced by Pivot Media Co.