Do you have a strategy in place to help you overcome limiting beliefs?
Do you know how to reframe your mindset when the negative self-talk becomes too loud?
Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a way to keep the limiting beliefs from settling in our minds from time to time because we’re human. We’re programmed to worry. But the good news is, we’re also hard-wired with the ability to take our thoughts captive and change the narrative.
But how do we do that?
It’s a different process for so many people but this week on, “The Melissa Koehler Show,” I am sharing my journey to flipping the script and changing my mindset.
Be sure to tune in to hear my 10 tips for overcoming those limiting beliefs!
In this episode you’ll hear all about:
- 🧠 What you can replace your limiting beliefs with to shift your mindset and overcome them
- ✨ The value in surrounding yourself with positive influences + supportive people as you overcome your limiting beliefs
- 💛 How affirmations work to rewire your subconscious
- 💫 Why self-compassion is important as you take action to overcome your limiting beliefs
It’s very common for people to have a scarcity mindset, especially when it comes to business.
But I want you to walk in the freedom of an abundance mindset where you understand your worth and aren’t afraid to chase after it.
What’s the worst thing that could happen? You believe in yourself and see your wildest dreams come true?
I’d say that’s worth believing in, don’t you?
Let’s link arms and overcome the limiting beliefs that we aren’t worth more and let’s do the darn thing already!

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This podcast was produced by Pivot Media Co.