Hi! I'm Melissa Koehler! A certified coach, Enneagram trained, podcasting educator! Grab your favorite drink and stay awhile! Learn more about me right over here!
Do you know who you are?
And I don’t just mean the basics. Not the mom, wife, friend, daughter, avid reader, lover of the outdoors, and sunshine kind of details about yourself, but the nitty-gritty details of who you are at your core and what makes you tick.
A great way to learn more about yourself is to join a community of people who are a lot like you to help you see yourself in others. I have a great community for you to be a part of if building a business and learning how to grow your brand is your jam.
But aside from who you are as an entrepreneur, have you taken the time to discover who you are at home and with your friends? By now, I think it’s no secret that I love using the Enneagram as a tool to dive deeper into our unique personalities. I talk a lot about using it to help enhance your business but how can you use it to enhance who you are on a personal level?
Once you determine which of the nine types best describes you, you are able to get a closer look at why you think and feel a certain way which gives you a front-row seat to your core fears and desires.
If you are looking for more information on this topic, I have an entire series dedicated to the Enneagram on my podcast, “Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur.” I’d love for you to give them a listen here! I sat down to talk all things Enneagram and business with two amazing experts and you’re not going to want to miss it!
Improve your mental health.
Taking time to know yourself on a personal level can help improve how you view, not only the world, but yourself. If you’re anything like me, it’s really easy for you to be hard on yourself. And the harder you become, the more your mental stability begins to suffer. For me, the Enneagram completely changed the game for how I view myself and the things I have to offer. Knowing why you act a certain way or feel the way you feel helps you accept those things about yourself that you used to pick apart.
Enhance the energy in your home.
If you’re not using the knowledge you gain about yourself through the Enneagram to positively impact the energy in your home, you’re doing it all wrong! Encourage any of the adults living with you to take an Enneagram test and share their dominant number. And don’t forget to share your dominant number with them and explain pieces of your personality. Once you understand who they are and how they tick, you are able to start communicating better and loving greater. I promise, once you understand them on a deeper level, your patience and grace will increase tenfold!
Better communicate with your kids.
Have you shared anything about the Enneagram with your kids? Research shows that most kids aren’t fully mature enough to know their true Enneagram typing just yet, but I bet you have your sneaking suspicions about them! But this shouldn’t stop you from sharing with them a bit about who you are, how you communicate, and what you expect from them. I think we often overlook sharing pieces of ourselves with our kids because we think we have just one role to play: parent. But I want to encourage you to let them know you on a deeper level while you get to know them deeper as well. Have a conversation about how you like to communicate and listen to how they like to communicate and then create a plan to honor one another’s unique desires! You’re going to want to give this a try! Trust me!
I have a really great resource that helps you dive right into each Enneagram type in order to know yourself and those you interact with on a deeper level. Be sure to check that out HERE!
Once you’ve got the personal development bug, I would love for you to continue working on yourself and your business by joining me over at The Blush Pages. There we will continue to dive into things like goals, dreams, and the Enneagram to help you build an incredibly lucrative brand that you can be proud of. Join the community HERE!
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