Are you ready to turn those goals into reality? Listen to Episode 40 HERE!
Can you believe it? It’s the 40th episode of “Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur” and I am so excited to sit down and chat with you!
As we begin to close out yet another, I want to not only focus on setting goals for the new year, but also give you a few action plans to actually crush them!
And before you tune in, I have a very serious question for you. How in the world are we just weeks away from a brand new year? I don’t know about you, but most days I feel like I’m still trying to make a plan of action for this year and yet we only have a few days left.
It’s so easy to let your new year goals and plans overwhelm you to the point that you do nothing at all. Trust me, I have been there, done that many years as an entrepreneur. Between rocking babies and chasing toddlers and shuttling pre-teens to yet another practice, it only makes sense that your business gets the leftover hours (or even minutes) at the end of every day. But I want this year to be different for you.
In this episode you’ll hear all about:
- Setting goals for the new year.
- Action steps to turn those goals into reality.
- Ways to give yourself grace and run your business with joy!
Love spotify, you can listen here!
It doesn’t seem possible that we’re already preparing for a new year, but I hope these goals and actionable tips leave you feeling encouraged and inspired to tackle your new year with a plan that offers grace, productivity, and a lot of wiggle room as you balance all areas of your life! I know it isn’t easy to run a profitable business and raise a thriving family and do all of the things, but it is more than possible and these goals will help you do it! So here’s to you taking back your year before it even begins! I’m cheering for you friend!
Links to all the things mentioned: