It’s a brave new world out there and more and more people are working at home with their spouse or significant other. Whether it is by choice, desire, or this current season forcing you both home, working together can be such a love, hate experience!
Clearly you enjoy one another’s company, but sometimes being too close is well, too close. Luckily for you, I’ve been at this working with my spouse gig for a few years now, so I’m about to speak some serious truth over how you can get the most out of your working experience together.
Find separate spaces to work.
If you’re anything like me, I don’t like it when people I am not talking to can hear me talking. I spend a lot of time talking to my audience and I’m not as authentic as I could be over the fear of being judged. I just always worry about what other people are thinking when I’m speaking. I can’t be alone in this right?
Divide your tasks.
If you are working together on the same project, divide up your tasks in order to allow you both to work in your own lanes. And then really fight the urge to not change the work they do. You’re a team. Be confident in the skills both of you bring to the table!
Find a new normal.
If working from home together is new to you and your partner you’re going to quickly find that it’s hard to change life as you once knew it overnight. So don’t try to. Find a new normal and begin to create new habits and new routines that work best for both of you. Life changes dramatically when you’re both spending more time home together. Don’t stress yourself out over trying to keep things the same. Go with the new flow and enjoy this new way of life!
Give one another credit.
I couldn’t do my job without the sacrifices my husband makes for my business. He does an incredible amount of work behind the scenes and I try to be intentional about thanking him for the work he does, allowing me to do mine. Make space for one another and give each other credit. You’re both doing the hard work, even if it’s from your comfy couch!
Working at home with someone you love the most can truly be a huge blessing. Claim your individual spaces, stay in your lane, create new routines, and work really hard at building one another up and I promise you, you’ll wish you had started working together sooner.
If you’re currently working at home with your spouse or significant other, what changes have you made to make for the best working environment? I’d love for you to share in the comments below!