Listen to Episode 33 HERE!
We’re finishing off our mom-trepreneur series as we chat about how to set your work aside and make intentional time for your family.
And I have to confess, I haven’t always been great at this. When I first became an entrepreneur, my work became my baby and I spent all of my time nurturing it and helping it grow. Which was great, but it oftentimes came at the expense of time with my family. I would get up from family dinners to answer the phone or skip out on family outings to get work done, or even sometimes put the needs of my family second to the needs of my business. But I quickly realized that that approach to running a business wasn’t going to work for me.
I didn’t want to sacrifice time with my family in order to grow a business and so I worked really hard to make intentional time for both, where neither had to suffer!
In this episode you’ll hear all about:
- Setting boundaries to accommodate family time
- 10 helpful ways to spend time with your family
- How a nanny can be a life saver
At the end of every day, don’t forget what is most important to you and focus your attention there as much as possible! And I’m willing to bet that for most of us, that would be our family! I hope this episode inspires you to get more intentional with your family and provide you with easy, practical ideas on how to do that! It doesn’t have to be fancy, it doesn’t have to be expensive, and it doesn’t have to be planned on the calendar for months in advance, although you know me, I do love a good plan with time to prepare, haha. But it can totally be spontaneous whenever the time is available! Get out from under a pile of work and go enjoy your family as often as you can!
Links to all the things mentioned:
For even more content on building a business with the skills and hours you already have, be sure to check out:
The Blush Pages Membership for monthly business content curated exclusively for members!
The Profit Plan for everything you need to start earning consistent income!
The Business Starter Kit for getting your business off the ground and out into the world!