Hi! I'm Melissa Koehler! A certified coach, Enneagram trained, podcasting educator! Grab your favorite drink and stay awhile! Learn more about me right over here!
So how am I planning to grow my email list? That’s a great question, let’s dive in together! I’ll be using incentives to grow my newsletter list, here’s how!
In case you missed it, be sure to check out my latest blog, all about the importance of list building so you know exactly why we’re focusing so much attention on building an email list this Fall.
The first way I plan to grow my email list is pretty simple. Offering incentives.
I don’t care who you are, you love a good freebie or insider information and so you willingly offer up your email to get the goods. Am I right?
And so this Fall is going to be all about offering incentives to my followers in hopes to offer them value and gain access to their inboxes. Where I will continue to provide them with valuable content they won’t find anywhere else!
But here’s the important part: be sure you are offering something that will inspire your ideal client. If your ICA is a stay-at-home mom with toddlers and babies to care for, it’s highly unlikely you’ll capture her attention with a freebie all about getting ready for work and out the door on time! Be sure to serve your ideal client incentives that will truly entice and benefit their current season of life!
If you are unsure of who your ideal client is and how you can discover them, check out my course, The Profit Plan, to learn all about who you should be marketing to!
People love to be the first to know, making this a great way to incentivize anyone! This can be sharing something personal or offering tips and tricks to your trade, simply anything that you will only be sharing with your email list. The fear of missing out truly is strong in most of us so this is a really easy way to capture someone’s email and have them join your newsletter list!
Who doesn’t love free? This is a great way to build your email list if you have an online course or subscription program that offers digital content. Offer them 30 days free to check it out with no strings attached! The content you’re offering will be so great that they won’t want to leave and now you’ve earned yourself a win/win. You’ve captured their email and got them to buy in!
Is there content you’ve created that you can turn into a free PDF? Again, everyone loves free, so find something that your ideal client will find valuable, wrap it up in a pretty PDF format, and offer it to them in exchange for joining your email list!
I don’t know about you, but I love a good sale! And I am certain you have many ideal clients that have been eying your products, just waiting for the perfect moment to jump in, and what better time than when there’s a coupon code? Have them join your email list and sent them a unique code straight to their inbox.
While there are so many incentives to offer your following, these are the top four I plan to start with. They feel easy and manageable and if I have learned anything about myself as an entrepreneur in over two decades, it is that I need things to be manageable in order to stick with them! I’m sure you can relate, no?
So let’s do it! Let’s incentivize our ideal clients with something they will find valuable in order to capture their email and build our list of bought-in consumers! Thank you for reading how you can grow your email list with incentives!
The Profit Plan for everything you need to start earning consistent income!
The Business Starter Kit for getting your business off the ground and out into the world!
An exclusive look inside the truth behind what it takes to grow on Instagram, learn from my mistakes and what YOU can do today to start growing.
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More small biz #realtalk, head-shaking mom moments, pinktastic photography, and excessive wanderlust right this way...
More small biz #realtalk, head-shaking mom moments,
pinktastic photography, and excessive wanderlust right this way...
Exclusive content designed to grow your business delivered right to your inbox twice a month! Don't miss out on the totally free and totally worth it bonus content!