Hi! I'm Melissa Koehler! A certified coach, Enneagram trained, podcasting educator! Grab your favorite drink and stay awhile! Learn more about me right over here!
Episode 58 of “Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur” is live and I am so excited to talk to you about REST! And more importantly why it’s okay to rest as a business owner!
It’s a topic that I feel isn’t talked about enough in the world of business and so it’s high time we not only talk about it, but we begin to normalize it.
I never used to rest. I wanted to be the one wearing all of the hats, doing all of the things, and running the show all on my own. I worked nights, weekends, during soccer games and dance classes, at the dinner table, and even during bedtime routines.
I believed the lie that if I wasn’t accessible 24/7, if I didn’t work every spare second of every day, I would never be successful.
You know that’s a lie, right? If this is the first time you’re hearing this, please write it down. The hours your work is not equal to the success you create. You can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week and that still won’t be the thing that measures your success.
In this episode you’ll hear all about:
The power rest has on your business.
How to rest without losing momentum.
Staying organized in your business in order to prioritize rest
I hope this episode frees you up to believe you do have the time in your day to rest and I also hope it gives you the tools to make it a reality! You do not need to work yourself to the bone in order to call yourself successful. Trust in that truth with me and get out there today and make time for rest!
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