Hi! I'm Melissa Koehler! A certified coach, Enneagram trained, podcasting educator! Grab your favorite drink and stay awhile! Learn more about me right over here!
Can we tell you a secret?
Not everyone is going to like you. You’re not icecream.
Heck, we’re not even sure everyone even loves ice cream, so we can’t expect everyone to like us 100% of the time.
And we know, all of the Enneagram twos and nines are very shocked by this news. Many of you are probably even shaking your head in disagreement, but it’s true, even the most likable human won’t be liked by everyone all of the time.
But here’s another secret for you.
That’s okay.
Focusing on the ones not in your corner simply isn’t productive. You need to be putting all of your focus on the things that make you productive, not the negativity that holds you back.
Living in such a digital age has made it entirely too easy to gain access to people and the brave new world of social media has made it even easier to open yourself up for criticism. You can say too much or not enough and on even given day, your words may upset people. Your actions may anger someone. Even your silence may send the wrong message. But in these moments, you always, always, always have to go back to your “why.”
Why are you sharing your life with people? Why did you start this business? Why do you keep showing up online and in-person? Is it because you hope everyone will like you?
We highly doubt that.
It’s very likely that your “why” is far more deep-rooted than likes on a social media platform or high fives at the neighborhood BBQ. And the more you are connected to your reason for sharing, the less likely you are to be hurt when your words or actions aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.
Now, be honest with yourself for a second. Thinking about everyone you know and all of the interactions you’ve ever had over the course of your life. Have you liked every single person you’ve ever known? Have you had a positive experience in each and every interaction?
Chances are the answer is, no. Right?
And you shouldn’t feel bad about that. It’s human nature to not click with every single person ever born. Thinking of the Enneagram, there are NINE different personality types with dozens of combinations of wings and subtypes. You quite literally cannot be fond of every single one. So don’t be so hard on yourself when you find yourself on the receiving end of someone not liking you. It says far more about them than it does you. Trust us.
Don’t let them take the joy and excitement out of your purpose. Don’t let them into your inner circle. Again, focus on the productivity of your business!
Instead, find your tribe of supporters. There are plenty of them out there. For every one person that doesn’t cheer you on, there are ten others that will. We’re pretty sure that’s Science.
And if you haven’t found your cheering section yet, join ours HERE!
And the truth is, there are far more people in your corner than outside out it. Those are the people you need to lean in to. Stop worrying about the naysayers, they’re not your people.
That friend that always supports you? That follower that always likes your content? That coworker that always has your back? Choose them. Connect with them. Collaborate with them. Cultivate a relationship with them. And block out all of the rest.
Focusing on negative attention will never help you move forward, it will only pull you backward. So throw caution to the wind, stop worrying about the ice cream haters, and believe so deeply in the things you have to share that you can’t be stopped, no matter who is cheering you on.
If you are wanting to join a community that inspires you and cheers you on, sign up to get notified when our super fun community opens up in January 2021! We can’t wait to see you there!
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More small biz #realtalk, head-shaking mom moments,
pinktastic photography, and excessive wanderlust right this way...
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