Hi! I'm Melissa Koehler! A certified coach, Enneagram trained, podcasting educator! Grab your favorite drink and stay awhile! Learn more about me right over here!
I’ve been sharing all month on the blog about setting up systems for success and each time I think about systems, I can’t help but think of them as just another term for organization. Today I want to chat with you about Staying organized in business.
For me, I have learned that in order to maintain healthy emotions in both my life and my business, I have to keep myself organized. That doesn’t mean things never get messy, but I have come to the place where I know when the mess is getting in the way of my creativity and productivity. And a simple system for reorganization gets me right back on track!
If this sounds a lot like you, I would love for you to join my private community over on Instagram. There I am sharing weekly tips for success that are direct and to the point. Teaching you everything you need to find success and joy in all areas of your life! Join me HERE!
So let’s break it down exactly how you can stay organized into six easy steps, shall we?
In order to keep your mind organized and your personal life exciting, you have to create working hours and boundaries. Map out the hours you will work each day and be sure to communicate those hours with your team. And don’t be afraid to be very strict about those hours. We all know that as entrepreneurs, fires arise out of nowhere that needs our immediate attention, but if something happens outside of your office hours that isn’t an emergency, work really hard to save it for the next day.
No matter where you work, be sure to identify a functional workspace. In order to stay organized, work can’t work one day from the couch, the next day from the car, and the following day from the dining room table. I think we all can admit to working on the go in any space that is convenient, but when you are able, work in a space that was created intentionally to meet your needs in order to experience an optimal, organized, workflow.
Knowing your strengths is so incredibly important to keep your business organized. Learn your strengths and abilities with a personality tool like the Enneagram in order to determine how you can best spend your time. Stop wasting your time on tasks that don’t bring you joy or align with your strengths as an entrepreneur and find people that can do those tasks for you. This will save you massive amounts of time and help to keep you organized by focusing your time on your talents.
Find a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and seek their accountability. If you struggle with meeting deadlines, tell a friend your timeline and ask them to keep you accountable to meet it. Whatever it is, find people that will cheer you on and remind you to stay focused on the task at hand.
Don’t end a workweek without planning for the next. Identify your “must-do’s” and plan to tackle those most important things first. And when I say plan your week, I mean schedule every single hour. Time blocking is so crucial for staying on top of tasks and remaining organized. Block out chunks of time to respond to emails, write blogs and newsletters, plan social media content, or meet with clients. Whatever your workflow includes, be sure to block out an appropriate about of time each day to complete it.
When you’re planning your week and blocking out the hours of your day, don’t forget to leave parts of your day open for any “emergencies” that may arise needing your full, immediate attention. If you don’t make room for this time you’ll be left stressed to the max and forced to steal time from your non-working hours in order to get everything done. Save yourself the headaches and frustration by making room in your day for the unexpected!
And guess what? With these 6 tips for staying organized in business, you’ve just created 6 new systems designed to help you be successful and stay productive!
Setting up systems for your business doesn’t need to seem scary and neither does staying organized!
Create a plan, implement the plan, and stay consistent in your approach. That’s really all it takes.
Now go get organized! I know you can do it!
The Profit Plan for everything you need to start earning consistent income!
The Business Starter Kit for getting your business off the ground and out into the world!
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